Sunday, March 8, 2009

Why I Run, Swim, Cycle..... why I train!

"We know that the effects of training are temporary.  I cannot put fitness in the bank.  If inactive, I will detrain faster than it took me to get in shape.  And since my entire persona is influenced by my running program, I must remain constantly in training.  Otherwise, the sedentary life will inexorably reduce my mental and emotional well-being.

So, I run each day to preserve the self I attained the day before.  And coupled with this is the desire to secure the self yet to be.  There can be no letup.  If I do not run, I will eventually lose all I have gained -- and my future with it."

--Dr. George Sheehan

That summarizes it!  See you on the track, on the trail, on the road, in the pool or in the gym!